Is it your technology?

Is your technology more or less valuable than your employees?


You might say it’s your technology. It has clearly been a huge investment. You need state of the art tools to provide great treatment for your patient right? How do you prioritize your budget?

I understand owning this Practice is your dream. Your financial investment. Your reputation. It’s not all about you though. Can you grow your Practice without help? No. You need a strong team of loyal employees.

Building a positive team culture has a domino effect that benefits your Practice. I promise it will pay off great dividends.



Your #1 Asset is your TEAM!  

Invest in your team first


So how do you build a positive team culture?

Invest in your team first

This is a fact. When your employees feel appreciated, acknowledged and well cared for they become LOYAL. Loyal employees are a key ingredient to your success as a business owner. Finding the right people takes a lot of effort, time and money. Isn’t it worth investing in them for the stability of your Practice? We all know what it is like when there is disharmony among employees. Drama. Bickering. Gossip. It’s exhausting! No one wants to be in a environment like that day to day. So, why not be pro-active instead? Add team building as a line item to your budget and in the words of Nike. Just Do It !!! 

So you have made the commitment to building your people. Now what? Start with a brainstorming session. You can do this alone or with your Office Administrator. Here are some questions to consider. Jot down ideas that come to mind.

  • How much do you know about each employee?
  • Do they have families?
  • Are there upcoming local activities you could attend as a group?
  • When was the last time you said thank you for a job well done?
  • Are you bringing a positive and grateful attitude to the Practice?
  • Do you currently acknowledge their birthday?
  • Do you use Social Media to recognize and appreciate them?

Get to know your team. Create a culture that builds relationships. This builds loyalty. Loyal employees will work hard for you. They don’t job hop. Do you know the best part of building a positive team culture? Your patients see the difference. They like team members that are loyal and stick around. That creates confidence in you as the Doctor. 

Get personally involved in the process

YOU must be personally involved

  Any time you begin a new focus in your business be realistic. Think quarterly for activities. Plan early for your end of the year event. Delegate responsibilities to your Administrator.      Let me be very clear with this point though. YOU as the business owner MUST be involved in building up your people. It cannot be completely delegated to anyone else in the Practice!  Your people will see right through that. It then becomes counterproductive. The non-verbal message is negative and self-focused.

Are you ready to create a plan of action?  I’d love to help you get started!


